Remove makeup ritual
It's not beauty sleep if you leave your makeup on!
Evening routine or when wearing makeup
Natural, organic, vegan and cruelty-free products
- Electric or surgical toothbrush + toothpaste + dental floss
- Almond oil
- Cold water
- Alep or Marseille soap (palm oil free)
- Reusable makeup remover pads
- Cleansing water
- Isotonic thermal spring water
- Eye, night cream
- Cold weather balm
With the best makeup remover in the world: vegetable oil (Japanese beauty ritual)
- Wear a headband
- Brush teeth + dental floss
- Wash hands
- Warm a small amount of vegetable oil in the palm of the hand
- Apply it with a small massage on the dry skin of the face
- Then dampen fingers with water and massage the skin
- Wet hands several times to emulsify the oil
- Rinse face with cold water and wash with soap
- Wipe with a towel, dab gently and finish with a tissue, gently pressing to absorb the excess (hard water) (and blow nose)*
- Apply cleansing water onto a pad and gently press down on the eye and face, holding for 9 secs
- Gently wipe off & repeat
- Finish with a mist of an isotonic thermal spring water, holding 9 secs
- Warm a few drops of oil in hand and apply it to the face (avoid irritating skin), focusing on drier areas and lips
- If needed, apply eye and night cream and/or a cold weather balm
Morning routine or not wearing makeup
Natural, organic, vegan and cruelty-free products- Wooden wide tooth comb (made in ash wood FSC 100% certified)
- Electric or surgical toothbrush + toothpaste
- Cold water
- Isotonic thermal spring water
- Almond oil
- Eye, day cream
- Cold weather balm
- Sun cream (non-nano)
- Comb, tie hair and wear a headband
- Wash hands
- Brush teeth
- Wash face and eyes: splash cold water on face 7 times (ayurvedic ritual), gently massaging skin with fingertips
- Wipe with a towel, dab gently and finish with a tissue, gently pressing to absorb the excess (and blow nose)*
- Finish with a mist of an isotonic thermal spring water, holding 9 secs
- Warm a few drops of oil in hand and apply it to the face, focusing on drier areas and lips
- Apply eye and day cream and if needed a cold weather balm and a sun cream (non-nano)
- Do hair: comb, elastic band (barrette if needed)
* Blowing the nose regularly prevents mucus building up and can help keep the nasal passages clean and free from allergens, irritants, and infectious agents that can exacerbate Sinusitis...
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