
Beauty is being comfortable in your own skin
The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in - B.K.S. lyengar
Your body hears everything your mind says - Naomi Judd
Your body isn't a temple, it's a home you'll live in forever. Take care of it - Colin Wright
Beauty oils
Beauty oils from around the world
Detox: Autumn food
Detox: Spring food
DIY beauty vinegar by Sylvie Hampikian
DIY body tonic massage oil
DIY delicious scented body oil
DIY lavender pillow mist
DIY rose vinegar
DIY rose water toner
DIY "sweet mercy medicinal"
Favourite hair products
Favourite skincare products
Favourite makeup products
Favourite EO
How I have switched to organic products
Organic 100% hair dye: cream
Organic 100% hair dye: powder
SLS-free* organic shower gels
Soap: Marseille soap authentic
Soap: pure olive oil soap
Testimonials organic products since 2006
There is organic and organic
Travel kit
* Sodium Lauryl Sulfate-free
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